Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I find the company career page?

Answer: Each company on our platform has a dedicated page. You can access these by selecting "Companies" at the top of any page. From there, you can find your company’s unique page, which features job postings and relevant links for job seekers to learn more about your organization.

2. Will my job postings automatically renew each month?

Answer: No, job postings do not automatically renew. Upon subscription renewal, you will have the choice to either repost your previous jobs or post new ones. This ensures that all job listings are kept current for prospective candidates.

3. What happens to my job post after 30 days?

Answer: All plans are subscription-based. After 30 days, when your subscription renews, you will receive job credits that can be used to either repost previous positions or advertise new roles. We will notify you via email at the start of each billing cycle with a reminder to use your credits.

4. Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Answer: Yes, you may cancel your subscription at any time with no obligation or penalties.

5. What is a featured employer?

Answer: Featured employers gain additional visibility by being highlighted on our homepage, allowing for increased exposure to job seekers.

6. Can I track the performance of my job postings?

Answer: Absolutely! Simply navigate to "My Account," and select "Jobs" from the sidebar. Here, you can view detailed analytics, including the number of views and apply clicks each job post has received.

7. How can I optimize my job postings for better results?

Answer: To enhance the success of your job postings, we recommend including detailed information about the position, such as the salary range and benefits. Comprehensive job descriptions tend to attract more qualified candidates.

8. How can I contact support?

Answer: For any inquiries or assistance, please email us at rsteeber@upstaffing.com.